Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

GeoServer 2.1 workshop available for free!

Dear All,
a quick post to just let you know that GeoSolutions is sharing an introductory workshop on GeoServer 2.1.

The material comprises of:
  1. a lightweight Ubuntu-based ISO
  2. a preconfigured GeoServer data directory
  3. the workshop itself, as a set of html files
The ISO file can be run either using Virtual Box or the VMWare Player. As an alternative you can burn it on a CD and you can use it as a Live Ubuntu or install it on your system.

Once you get it up and running, the installation contains:
  1. An instance of the GeoServer 2.1.x stable nightly .
  2. PostgreSQL with Postgis
  3. UDIG
The topics covered in this workshop are as follows:
  • Installing and running GeoServer: describes how to install and run GeoServer
  • Adding Data to GeoServer : explains how to manage the GeoServer Data Directory as well as how to add the base data types into GeoServer, like ShapeFile, GeoTIFF as well as PostGIS data. Examples and informations about SQL Parametric Views and WMS cascading support are also provided.
  • Pretty maps with GeoServer: describes how to manage the GeoServer maps visualizzation. All aspects related to styles, layer groups and other interesting GeoServer features affecting the WMS protocol will be introduced
  • GeoWebCache Integration: provides additional information about the tighter integration between GeoWebCache and GeoServer .
  • Google Earth and Maps support: introduces GeoServer support for KML and Google Earth. The reader will learn how to view GeoServer data in Google Earth, and will be exposed to some of the more advanced features of KML output.

You can download the workshop from here:

In case you find errors or issues, or in case you want to know more about our services with regards to training, please contact us!

The GeoSolutions team,

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.0 Released

Dear all,
GeoSolutions is pleased to announce the ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.0 release. It replaces the 1.1-RC1 release (by also adding BSB and CADRG RPFTOC plugins through GDAL).
Changes with respect to 1.0.x series can be summarised as follows:
  • Out-of-the-box Support for GDAL 1.7.3, which means no more patches are needed for GDAL Java bindings in order to access it from ImageI/O-Ext.
  • BigTiff support, breaking the 4GB TIFF limit.
  • EnhancedImageReadParam support. It extends the standard ImageReadParam by implementing Cloneable (used when supporting MultiThreading read operation) and a new DestinationRegion param to support oversampling/subsampling without specifying sourceSubSampling parameters. This may be used when dealing with readers which internally take care of performing subSampling/overSampling, such as the GDALImageReader
  • Experimental multidimension plugin for reading spatiotemporal sources like:
    • netCDF raster files following the Climate and Forecast (CF) convention
    • GriB edition 1
    • HDF version 4
Release artifacts have been deployed on the GeoSolutions maven repository, as well as on the OSGEO one.

the GeoSolutions Team

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

GeoSolutions @ OSGIS 2011

Dear All,
just a quick note to inform our followers that GeoSolutions' founders Simone Giannecchini and Alessio Fabiani will be present at OSGIS 2011 on Tuesday and Wednesday (21st and 22nd).

As per the agenda, Alessio Fabiani and Simone Giannecchini, will be giving an introductory workshop on GeoServer 2.1 on the 21st, moreover on the 22nd Simone Giannecchini will be talking about GeoServer 2.1 (here you can find the slides for the talk).
As usual, we will make the workshop available for download for free from our website shortly after the conference. This time we should also make the material available for download separately.

If you are around and you are interested in knowing more about the latest advances for GeoServer or if you are interested in knowing more about who we are and  what we do, just look for us!

The GeoSolutions team,

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Job Offer @ GeoSolutions

GeoSolutions is looking for talented software engineers to fill a Junior GeoServer Developer position which would involve:
  • designing and implementing new GeoServer features
  • performing day-by-day bug fixing
  • mantainance of existing installations. 
 The candidate will be  based in Rome (at least for the first 6 to 12 months), working on-site at the HQ of one of our largest clients.
Required qualifications are as follows:
  • Working knowledge of Java (JEE and JSE)
  • Working knowledge of GeoServer 
  • Working knowledge of OpenLayers is a plus
  • At least 1 year of experience 
  • Being fluent in English, both written and spoken

We offer a variety of contracts but, please, notice that our intention is to establish a long term relationship, therefore this is not a position for freelance consultants.

Working remotely is an option, although we will give priority to candidate closer to our office and/or close to Rome where the candidate will be initially based.

Please send a detailed resume together with a letter of presentation at jobs_at_geo-solutions.it.

The GeoSolutions team,

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Job Offer @ GeoSolutions

GeoSolutions è alla ricerca di  software engineer di talento per coprire una posizione come Junior GeoServer Developer. Le mansioni sono le seguenti
  • designing and implementing new GeoServer features
  • performing day-by-day bug fixing
  • mantainance of existing installations. 
Il candidato lavorerà a Roma (almeno per i primi 6 - 12 mesi) presso la sede di uno dei nostri clienti principali. E' comunque previsto un eventuale periodo di formazione iniziale, qualora fosse ritenuto necessario.

Le qualifiche richieste sono le seguenti:
  • Working knowledge of Java (JEE and JSE)
  • Working knowledge of GeoServer 
  • Working knowledge of OpenLayers is a plus
  • Almeno un anno di esperienza nel settore specifico e con le tecnologie indicate
  • Ottimo inglese scritto e parlato. La lingua ufficiale parlata nella sede del cliente è l'inglese
L'offerta contrattuale è legata alla esperienza del candidato ed alla eventuale necessità di trasloco. Riteniamo comunque opportuno sottolineare come il nostro intento sia quello di creare un rapporto duraturo di collaborazione che si estenda oltre la opportunità specifica presso il cliente in questione.

Sara' data priorità a candidati che risiedono vicino alla sede del cliente o vicino alla nostra sede. Comunque sia chiediamo sin da subito disponibilità a brevi trasferte anche all'estero e comunque a trasferirsi vicino alla nostra sede in caso sia ritenuto necessario.

Chiunque fosse interessato è pregato di inviare un CV aggiornato, accompagnato se possibile da lettera di presentazione, a jobs_at_geo-solutions.it.

The GeoSolutions team,