Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Seeking GIS Business Developer & Sales Manager

Dear all,
we are currently looking for a business developer/ sales manager in order to manage and expand our network of clients.
You can get a more detailed description from here:

    If you are interested, please, drop us an email at to discuss this further.

    Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

    Adding TIME and ELEVATION support to GeoServer and Mosaic plugin

    Ciao a tutti,
    in my previous post I showed a preview of the work we are doing to be able to serve raster datasets with support with TIME and ELEVATION in both WMS and WCS. We have been doing some more progresses with this work and now we can support the ELEVATION keyword as well in WMS queries, therefore I wanted to show some screenshots.

    Here below you see some screenshots of of the water temperature over the Ligurian see with the respective requests, first at the same timestamp at increasing depths, then at a certain depth with increasing timestamps. Notice that the Z axis is depth, therefore bigger elevation values mean deeper measurements.

    Time fixed, depth varying
    • ...&TIME=2008-10-31T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=0

    • ...&TIME=2008-10-31T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=50

    • ...&TIME=2008-10-31T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=150

    • ...&TIME=2008-10-31T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=200

    Depth fixed, Time varying...
    • &TIME=2008-10-31T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=0

    • &TIME=2008-10-31T12:00:000Z&ELEVATION=0

    • &TIME=2008-11-01T00:00:000Z&ELEVATION=0

    • &TIME=2008-11-01T12:00:000Z&ELEVATION=0

    Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

    Adding TIME support to GeoServer and Mosaic plugin

    Ciao a tutti,
    lately I have been working on adding support in GeoServer for the TIME keyword in GetMap requests by updating the ImageMosaic plugin. The work is being performed on trunk but I might backport to 2.0.x, funding permitting, when it will be ready to roll.

    The goals are as follows:
    • Ability to select a certain number of granules from the mosaic index based on the actual values of a TIME attribute
    • Make the TIME mechanism transparent if not needed
    • Allow users to update the granule index over time adding new granules
    The scenario I am trying to cope with is the following:
    • I have a tool that does radar coverage predictions routinely (every 12 hours)
    • Each prediction is specular to the others except for the time when it was generated (same georeferencing, same raster characteristics)
    • We want to be able to show either the latest perdition or an old one
    Now, some pictures to show that the work is proceeding.
    I have taken 7 geotiffs for the BlueMarble series of 2004, from jan to Jul from here since you can visually notice that over time as the Summer approaches the ice/snow moves north.

    I have ingested it (Did I say that I am also adding a mechanism to automagically populate the time attribute based on the file properties, like name, metadata, etc.. :-) ?)

    Then I have started to send queries, for January

    then for March
    then for July
    Notice that we also support the "current" keyword to automatically get the latest raster available.

    I think it is pretty neat and thanks to the GeoTools infrastructure it is not being too hard to implement.

    The additional features we could add are quite many:
    • Filtering via CQL on additional properties
    • ELEVATION support
    • Create an animation given a set of time instants
    • Properly expose time as part of the WMS GetCap
    • Wire TIME and ELEVATION support for WCS as well

    If you are interested in funding this development or in adding more features I did not think of, please contacts us!