Ciao a tutti,
as announced in a previous post today we start to share the materials produced for the Foss4g-IT conference. Thanks to SUPSI, that in Lugano was host of this nice event, we had a very good time.
In this first part we are sharing the slides of the presentation that Ing Simone Giannecchini, founder of GeoSolutions, illustrated at SUPSI’s Aula Magna.
In this presentation you’ll find the state of art as far as Geoserver and its latest features are concerned: integrated security, dynamic symbolizers and ImageIO-Ext GDAL support. Also, quite interesting, it’s the use case describing an integrated system for scientific purpose that uses open source software to manage environmental and geographic data. This bring us to the definition of OpenSDI, a Spatial Data Infrastructure stack based on open source software that GeoSolutions is creating.
OpenSDI will not be simply an aggregation of different open source geospatial frameworks, it will be an integrated infrastructure based on best-of-breed components to provide, out-of-the-box, a complete, tested, integrated and supported solution for managing an enterprise spatial data infrastructure … and not only!
In this presentation you’ll find the state of art as far as Geoserver and its latest features are concerned: integrated security, dynamic symbolizers and ImageIO-Ext GDAL support. Also, quite interesting, it’s the use case describing an integrated system for scientific purpose that uses open source software to manage environmental and geographic data. This bring us to the definition of OpenSDI, a Spatial Data Infrastructure stack based on open source software that GeoSolutions is creating.
OpenSDI will not be simply an aggregation of different open source geospatial frameworks, it will be an integrated infrastructure based on best-of-breed components to provide, out-of-the-box, a complete, tested, integrated and supported solution for managing an enterprise spatial data infrastructure … and not only!
Soon, in the second part of this post, we will share the live-DVD produced for the foss4g-IT workshop. With this anyone we’ll be able to try and test, in a vary easy way (no installation required), Geoserver and others Geosolutions’s products!
... To be continued ......