Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

A new home for the ImageIO-Ext project

Dear All,
after a long wait a new home has been finally created by Oracle for the ImageIO-Ext project on the new Java.net infrastructure. You can reach it here.

For the records the Image I/O-Ext project extends the Java's ImageI/O framework capabilities by providing access to new raster formats directly or through the integration of other frameworks and libraries, like GDAL, JMagick (experimental) and Kakadu for JPEG2000.
The project is Open Source but commercial-friendly, part of the code is released under an LGPL license, some other parts (namely, derivative work from Oracle's imageio source code) are licensed under BSD license.

This work has been started with the Google Summer of Code in 2006 by Ing. Daniele Romagnoli mentored by Ing. Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions).

The GeoSolutions team.

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