Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Latest on JPEG2000 Improved Support for the Java world

Dear all,
We would like to take the occasion to describe more in details some improvements that were implemented with the ImageI/O-Ext 1.0.8 release (which is now supported by GeoServer 2.0.2, 2.7.x and GeoTools 2.6.4 and 2.7.x) as well as with the previous ones.

Reader Improvements
Various improvements have been implemented for the JPEG2000 Kakadu reader in order to enhance its speed and robustness:

  • More checks on stripe decompression
  • Improved Warning Messages at startup
  • Improved subsampling factor computation 
Writer Improvements
Various improvements have been implemented for the JPEG2000 Kakadu writer in order to enhance support for very large imagery writing in terms of more control options as well as in term of reduced footprint during the writing process itself.
Specifically we have added the following:

  • Support for writing the GeoJP2 box
  • Support for writing tile oriented images
  • Support for Corder
  • Support for ORGgen_tlm
  • Support for ORGgen_plt
  • Support for ORGt_parts 
Sample Code
At the following link you can find an example that tells you how to read/write JPEG2000 data using ImageIO-Ext:

Artifacts for Imageio-Ext have been deployed on the GeoSolutions maven repository, as well as on the OSGEO one.

the GeoSolutions Team

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